NFL Great Ahman Green makes the world of competitive gaming and eSports come alive each week. Breaking news, new releases and the inside scoop on the biggest events in the gaming world from the real game changers in the industry.

Co-host Jon Arias, joins him each week as they discuss the latest in gaming news, interview professional athletes, pro gamers, industry leaders, and other celebrities. The edge of your seat is waiting… each week inside Ahman Green’s Gamer’s Lounge… game on!


Ahman Green

Ahman Green might be best known in Wisconsin for his Hall of Fame career with the Green Bay Packers,  but for eSports enthusiasts, he has also built quite a positive reputation. Green, an eSports entrepreneur and longtime player, was named the first coach of Lakeland University’s new eSports program in 2020.

Jon Arias

Jon Arias does a little bit of everything. From updates in the afternoon on WTSO-AM (Madison, WI) to his award winning play by play calling for the University of Wisconsin’s Badger Women’s Basketball and Volleyball programs.



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